Saturday, November 29, 2008

My first tooth

2 white tooth

Finally back to normal my happy baby

Give me a big smile

Just being silly

Always laugh

This month I saw a white tooth start to showing up . I think it might be a painful thing for you to go thought as a baby. You seems uncomfortable and fussy than normal. But finally the tooth put thought and you seems back to normal.
I very happy and enjoy raising you a lot. You are a very good boy happy most of the time. You have a day when you just not in a mood to play but over all you are a nice boy for me and every body who get to know you. Their would offer me to babysit you that can tell how good you are.

Darren first Thanksgiving

Darren's first Thanksgiving at Pranee's house this year. Dad want me to have at the house but Pranee already invited me over. We got there about after 1 pm.

I helped Pranee cooked and tried to put you to sleep but you too excited with Pranee's dog ( Poco and Buddy ) There were all over you. Scotty cooked a 22 pound Turky I feed you some. You did not seem to like it very much.

Then Daddy and Ethan came over and join us later. After we had dinner we all watched a movie it was a funny one. You got very tired and fuss a little bit so I took you home.

Pranee and Ethan ( Nice pose after meal )

Dad and Darren ( dad just gave me a sweet potato)

Pranee Daughter and Pranee Mother-in-law ( watching a movie )

Pranee, Scotty, Cody, Dad and Ethan ( Pose before meal )
