Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Darren's first Christmas

Christmas Day

The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, or "Christ's Mass." It is the time when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.
As it does not say in the Bible, no-one knows when Jesus was born, neither which day nor even year. One reason for this is that at the time Jesus was born people used the Roman calendar which was different to ours.

It is now believed that Jesus was born between 7BC and 4BC.
Around 350 years after Jesus birth, Pope Julius 1 chose 25 December as the date of the Nativity. This date seemed to be a good choice because many people had from early times celebrated other winter festivals around this time.

There was the Roman Saurnalia where Saturn, the god of Harvest, was honoured by merrymaking. In Northern Europe, Yule, giant logs were trimmed with ribbons and green plants and burned in honour of the gods who it was hoped would make the sun shine more brightly.
Both of these festivals were around the time of the winter solstice which is the day in Northern parts of the world that is the shortest of the year. With our modern instruments we now know this to happen on 21 December.

Christmas Day is a public holiday in Christian countries. Festivities include the exchanging of presents. To children this is probably the most exciting day of the year when if they have been good they can open the gifts left by Santa Claus.

A5 sized card
white paint
black paint
small paintbrush
black felt-tip pen
glue stick
old sponge (foam)
small piece of orange paper
cotton bud

What you do:

1 Write a Christmas message of your choice inside the card.
2. Dab the sponge lightly into the white paint and gently dab the bottom of your folded card to create the snowy ground. Only create a thin covering of 'snow' so that you can still see some of the original colour showing through. Allow to dry.

3. Using your small brush paint black oval shapes. Allow to dry.

4. After carefully washing out your brush, paint white tummies on your penguin bodies. Allow to dry. You may need to add another coat of white when dry.

5. Using the black felt-tip pen draw little webbed feet on your penguins.

6. Gently dip the cotton bud into the white paint, only getting a tiny amount of paint on it. Practise making small dots on a piece of paper first and then make two tiny dots for eyes on each penguin. When these are dry add a black dot in each eye using the black felt-tip pen. Cut tiny orange paper triangles and give each penguin a beak.

7.Using very tiny amounts of paint on your cotton bud add random snowflakes. Be careful not to add too many

My First Christmas with my Family

My name is little D

The Dee in Thai it mean " good "

But I'm just goofy some time

As you can see !!

But I can be mellow sometime

This walker is fun

My mommy friend got it for me

But it can be scary sometime

Ok, slowly get down

My first Christmas tree

My Brother Christmas gifts

He look forward to open his gifts

What is that ?

Ohh,, Got a ball

Can I see ?

Builder boy

He is very good at that

They are my Christmas gifts

They want me to unwarp my gift

But I don't know how to

I think they need to help me out on that

I don't know which one to start

Ok , May be this sunglass

I just got up from my nap

But I'm ready to play

Can I bit this one ?

Wow!!! May be this one

Ok, They told me to put it in the box

No, No not yet

I love them all

I'm just a little guy compare to my Dad

My dad with one of my brother's toy

Three mug

With my Mom

One more

My Buddy

I like to hanging out with my Dog (Clancy)

Darren stocking

Ethan stocking

Andrew's stocking and Sirikanya's stocking

Ethan's stocking (left) Darren's stocking ( right )


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